View file File name : Content :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <page xmlns="" type="topic" id="preferences_voice" xml:lang="gl"> <info> <link type="guide" xref="preferences#orca"/> <link type="next" xref="preferences_speech"/> <title type="sort">2.0 Voice</title> <title type="link">Voice</title> <desc> Configuring the voice used by <app>Orca</app> </desc> <credit type="author"> <name>Joanmarie Diggs</name> <email></email> </credit> <license> <p>Creative Commons Compartir Igual 3.0</p> </license> </info> <title>Voice Preferences</title> <section id="voice_type_settings"> <title>Voice Type Settings</title> <section id="voice_type"> <title>Voice type</title> <p>Este cadro combinado fai posiel que use voces diferentes para distinguir mellor o texto en maiúsculas e o texto ligado de outro texto, e o texto en que aparece en pantalla de outro texto que <app>Orca</app> engada.</p> <note style="tip"> <title>Configurar múltiples voces</title> <p> For each voice you wish to configure, first select the voice in the <gui>Voice type</gui> combo box. Then configure the person, rate, pitch, and volume to be used for that voice. </p> </note> </section> <section id="speech_system"> <title>Sistema de voz</title> <p> This combo box allows you to select your preferred speech system from those you have installed, such as Speech Dispatcher. </p> </section> <section id="speech_synthesizer"> <title>Sintetizador de voz</title> <p>Este cadro combinado permítelle seleccionar o sintetizador de voz que usar co sistema de voz elixido.</p> </section> <section id="person"> <title>Persoa</title> <p>Este cadro combinado permítelle elixir que «persona» ou «falante» se debería usar coa voz seleccionada. Por exemplo, podería querer ter a David para falar de maneira predeterminada, pero ter a alicia para falar as hiperligazóns. Teña en conta que o que atope no cadro combinado <gui>Persoa</gui> dependerá de que sintetizador de voz teña instalado.</p> </section> <section id="capitalization_style"> <title>Capitalization style</title> <p> This combo box allows you to choose which Speech Dispatcher capitalization indication styles you wish to use in addition to <app>Orca</app>'s capitalization voice. The options, which are named using Speech Dispatcher's terminology, are: </p> <list> <item><p><gui>icon</gui>: Plays a tone</p></item> <item><p><gui>spell</gui>: Speaks the word "capital"</p></item> <item><p><gui>none</gui></p></item> </list> <note style="tip"> <title>This setting can be toggled on the fly</title> <p> <app>Orca</app> also has a command to cycle through the available capitalization styles. See <link xref="commands_speech_settings"> Speech Settings Commands</link> for more information. </p> </note> <p> Default value: none </p> </section> <section id="rate_pitch_and_volume"> <title>Velocidade, ton e volume</title> <p>Estes tres deslizadores esquerda-dereita permítenlle personalizar aínda máis o son da persoa que acaba de seleccionar.</p> </section> </section> <section id="global_voice_settings"> <title>Global Voice Settings</title> <section id="pauses"> <title>Partir a voz en anacos entre pausas</title> <p> Depending on the enabled speech settings, <app>Orca</app> may have quite a bit to say about a particular object such as its name, its role, its state, its mnemonic, its tutorial message, and so on. Checking the <gui>Break speech into chunks between pauses</gui> checkbox will cause <app>Orca</app> to insert brief pauses in between each of these pieces of information. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="multicase_strings"> <title>Ler as cadeas con maiúsculas e minúsculas como palabras</title> <p> In some text, and especially when working with code, one often comes across a "word" consisting of several words with alternating case, such as "MultiCaseString." Speech synthesizers do not always pronounce such multicase strings correctly. Checking the <gui>Speak multicase strings as words</gui> checkbox will cause <app>Orca</app> to break a word like "MultiCaseString" into separate words ("Multi," "Case," and "String") prior to passing it along to the speech synthesizer. </p> <p>Valor predeterminado: non marcado</p> </section> <section id="numbers_as_digits"> <title>Speak numbers as digits</title> <p> Checking the <gui>Speak numbers as digits</gui> checkbox will cause <app>Orca</app> to break a number like "123" into separate digits ("1," "2," and "3") prior to passing it along to the speech synthesizer. </p> <p>Valor predeterminado: non marcado</p> </section> </section> </page>