View file File name : docbook.its Content :<its:rules xmlns:its="" xmlns:itst="" version="2.0"> <itst:match selector="/book"/> <itst:match selector="/article"/> <itst:match selector="/chapter"/> <its:langRule selector="//*[namespace-uri(.) = '']" langPointer="@lang"/> <itst:credits appendTo="/book/bookinfo | /article/articleinfo | /chapter/chapterinfo"> <othercredit class="translator"> <personname> <firstname><itst:value-of select="name"/></firstname> </personname> <email><itst:value-of select="email"/></email> </othercredit> <copyright> <itst:for-each select="years"> <year><itst:value-of select="year"/></year> </itst:for-each> <holder><itst:value-of select="name"/></holder> </copyright> </itst:credits> <!-- Inline by default, might be overridden --> <its:withinTextRule withinText="yes" selector="//abbrev | //accel | //acronym | //action | //affiliation | //anchor | //application | //arg | //audiodata | //audioobject | //authorinitials | //biblioref | //citation | //citebiblioid | //citerefentry | //citerefentry/manvolnum | //citerefentry/refentrytitle | //citetitle | //city | //classname | //co | //code | //col | //colgroup | //collabname | //command | //computeroutput | //constant | //constraint | //contrib | //country | //database | //date | //email | //emphasis | //envar | //errorcode | //errorname | //errortext | //errortype | //exceptionname | //fax | //filename | //firstname | //firstterm | //footnoteref | //foreignphrase | //funcdef | //funcparams | //function | //glossterm | //group | //guibutton | //guiicon | //guilabel | //guimenu | //guimenuitem | //guisubmenu | //hardware | //holder | //honorific | //imagedata | //imageobject | //imageobjectco | //initializer | //inlineequation | //inlinegraphic | //inlinemediaobject | //interface | //interfacename | //jobtitle | //keycap | //keycode | //keycombo | //keysym | //keyword | //lhs | //lineage | //lineannotation | //link | //literal | //markup | //medialabel | //menuchoice | //methodname | //methodparam | //modifier | //mousebutton | //nonterminal | //olink | //ooclass | //ooexception | //oointerface | //option | //optional | //orgdiv | //orgname | //otheraddr | //othername | //package | //paramdef | //parameter | //personname | //phone | //phrase | //pob | //postcode | //productname | //productnumber | //prompt | //property | //quote | //replaceable | //returnvalue | //revnumber | //revremark | //rhs | //sbr | //sgmltag | //shortaffil | //shortcut | //state | //street | //structfield | //structname | //subscript | //superscript | //surname | //symbol | //systemitem | //termdef | //textobject | //token | //trademark | //type | //ulink | //uri | //userinput | //varargs | //varname | //videodata | //videoobject | //void | //wordasword | //xref | //year "/> <!-- Mark footnotes nested, though itstool treats it as "no" --> <its:withinTextRule withinText="nested" selector="//footnote"/> <!-- Things with (semi-)structured content --> <its:withinTextRule withinText="no" selector="//confgroup/* | //biblioentry/* | //biblioset/*"/> <its:withinTextRule withinText="yes" selector="//bibliomixed/* | //bibliomset/*"/> <its:withinTextRule withinText="no" selector="//glossentry/*"/> <its:withinTextRule withinText="yes" selector="//indexterm//* | //simplelist[@type = 'inline']/descendant-or-self::*"/> <!-- We want to break address off into a translation unit because it's supposed to be space-preserving. But because of DocBook wonkiness, address is often just used to provide an email address. In that particular case, just ignore the fact that it's supposed to be a space-preserving translation unit. --> <its:withinTextRule withinText="yes" selector="//address[count(*) = 1 and email]"/> <its:preserveSpaceRule space="preserve" selector="//address[not(count(*) = 1 and email)]"/> <!-- Above all else, info is not a text run --> <its:withinTextRule withinText="no" selector="//bookinfo/* | //chapterinfo/* | //articleinfo/*"/> <!-- These are always verbatim --> <its:preserveSpaceRule space="preserve" selector="//classsynopsisinfo | //funcsynopsisinfo | //literallayout | //programlisting | //screen | //synopsis "/> <!-- Drop editor remarks --> <its:localeFilterRule localeFilterList="" selector="//remark"/> <!-- External media files --> <its:externalResourceRefRule externalResourceRefPointer="@fileref" selector="//audiodata | //imagedata | //videodata"/> <!-- Some hacks --> <its:translateRule translate="no" selector="//releaseinfo[@role = 'CVS' and normalize-space(.) = '$Id$']"/> </its:rules>