Edit file File name : synctex-editors.page Content :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" style="task" id="synctex-editors" xml:lang="ca"> <info> <link type="guide" xref="index#synctex" group="fourth"/> <desc>Quin editor podeu fer servir per editar fitxers TEX?</desc> <revision pkgversion="3.2" version="0.1" date="2011-09-05" status="final"/> <credit type="author"> <name>Tiffany Antopolski</name> <email>tiffany@antopolski.com</email> </credit> <license> <p>Creative Commons Compartir Igual 3.0</p> </license> <mal:credit xmlns:mal="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="translator copyright"> <mal:name>Carles Ferrando Garcia</mal:name> <mal:email>carles.ferrando@gmail.com</mal:email> <mal:years>2010</mal:years> </mal:credit> <mal:credit xmlns:mal="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="translator copyright"> <mal:name>Xavier Roijals</mal:name> <mal:email>xavier.roijals@gmail.com</mal:email> <mal:years>2011</mal:years> </mal:credit> <mal:credit xmlns:mal="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="translator copyright"> <mal:name>Gil Forcada</mal:name> <mal:email>gilforcada@guifi.net</mal:email> <mal:years>2013</mal:years> </mal:credit> </info> <title>Editors compatibles</title> <section id="gedit"><title><app>gedit</app></title> <p>També es poden realitzar <link xref="synctex-search#forward-search">Cerca cap endavant</link> (des de l'editor de text <app>gedit</app> al <app>Visualitzador de document</app>) i la <link xref="synctex-search#backward-search">Cerca cap enrere</link> (des del <app>Visualitzador de document</app> cap al <app>gedit</app>).</p> </section> <section id="vim-latex"><title>Vim-latex</title> <p> The <app>gedit</app> plugin contains a python script (<file>evince_dbus.py</file>) that can be used to get SyncTeX working with Vim. In order to use vim-latex together with the <app>document viewer</app> you need to follow the next steps: </p> <steps> <item> <p> Copy the <file>evince_dbus.py</file> to some directory in your path and give it +x permissions. </p> </item> <item> <p> Modify your <file>~/.vimrc</file> file and add the following lines. </p> <code> let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'evince_dbus.py' let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat = 'pdf' let g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'pdflatex --synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode $*' </code> </item> <item> <p>Ara ja podeu fer servir la cerca cap endavant amb el vim-latex si teclegeu \ls. La cerca cap enrere encara no està implementada.</p> </item> </steps> </section> </page> Save