Edit file File name : preferences_speech.page Content :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" id="preferences_speech" xml:lang="gl"> <info> <link type="guide" xref="preferences#orca"/> <link type="next" xref="preferences_braille"/> <title type="sort">2.1 Speech</title> <title type="link">Speech</title> <desc> Configuring what gets spoken </desc> <credit type="author"> <name>Joanmarie Diggs</name> <email>joanied@gnome.org</email> </credit> <license> <p>Creative Commons Compartir Igual 3.0</p> </license> </info> <title>Preferencias de voz</title> <section id="enable_speech"> <title>Activar voz</title> <p>A casilla <gui>Activar voz</gui> controla se <app>Orca</app> fará uso ou non dun sintetizador de voz. Os usuarios que soamente usen Braille probabelmente queiran desmarcar esta casilla.</p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="verbosity"> <title>Cantidade de información</title> <p> The <gui>Verbosity</gui> setting determines the amount of information that will be spoken in various situations. For example, if it is set to verbose, and you arrow into a word that is misspelled, <app>Orca</app> will announce that the word is misspelled. When the level is set to brief, this announcement will not be made. </p> <p>Valor predeterminado: <gui>estendida</gui></p> </section> <section id="punctuation_level"> <title>Nivel de pronunciación</title> <p>O grupo de botóns de radio <gui>Nivel de puntuación</gui> úsase para axustar a cantidade de puntuación que se fala polo sintetizador. Os niveis dispoñíbeis son <gui>Ningunha</gui>, <gui>Algunha</gui>, <gui>A maioría</gui> e <gui>Toda</gui>.</p> <p>Valor predeterminado: <gui>A maioría</gui></p> <section id="punctuation_level_none"> <title>Ningunha</title> <p> Choosing a punctuation level of <gui>None</gui> would, as you expect, cause no punctuation to be spoken. Note, however, that special symbols such as subscripted and superscripted numbers, Unicode fractions, and bullets are still spoken at this level, even though some might consider these types of symbols punctuation. </p> </section> <section id="punctuation_level_some"> <title>Algunha</title> <p>Seleccionar un nivel de puntuación <gui>Algunha</gui> fai que se falen tódolos símbolos mencionados anteriormente. Por outro lado, <app>Orca</app> falará os símbolos matemáticos coñecidos, símbolos de moeda e «^», «@», «/», «&», «#».</p> </section> <section id="punctuation_level_most"> <title>A maioría</title> <p> Choosing a punctuation level of <gui>Most</gui> causes all of the previous-mentioned symbols to be spoken. In addition, <app>Orca</app> will speak all other known punctuation symbols <em>other than</em> "!", "'", ",", ".", "?". </p> </section> <section id="punctuation_level_all"> <title>Toda</title> <p> Choosing a punctuation level of <gui>All</gui>, as expected, causes <app>Orca</app> to speak all known punctuation symbols. </p> </section> </section> <section id="spoken_context"> <title>Spoken Context</title> <p> The following items control the presentation of a variety of supplemental, "system" information about the item with focus. Because the associated text does not appear on screen, this information is presented in <app>Orca</app>'s System voice. </p> <section id="only_speak_displayed_text"> <title>Ler só o texto mostrado</title> <p>Ao marcar esta casilla fai que <app>Orca</app> só fale o texto actual que se mostra en pantalla. Esta opción está destinada a usuarios con baixa visión e usuarios cunha discapacidade de aprendizaxe visual.</p> <p>Valor predeterminado: non marcado</p> <note style="note"> <p> The following items will not be available for configuration if the <gui>Only speak displayed text</gui> checkbox is checked. </p> </note> </section> <section id="speak_blank_lines"> <title>Ler as liñas en branco</title> <p> If the <gui>Speak blank lines</gui> checkbox is checked, <app>Orca</app> will say "blank" each time you arrow to a blank line. If it is unchecked, <app>Orca</app> will say nothing when you move to a blank line. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="indentation_and_justification"> <title>Ler a sangría e a xustificación</title> <p> When working with code or editing other documents it is often desirable to be aware of justification and indentation. Checking the <gui>Speak indentation and justification</gui> checkbox will cause <app>Orca</app> to announce this information. </p> <p>Valor predeterminado: non marcado</p> </section> <section id="speak_misspelled_word_indicator"> <title>Speak misspelled-word indicator</title> <p> The misspelled-word indicator is the red squiggly line that appears underneath misspelled words in editable text fields. If <gui>Speak misspelled-word indicator</gui> is checked, when you navigate into a word with this indicator, or type a word incorrectly causing this indicator to appear, <app>Orca</app> will speak "misspelled." </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="mnemonics"> <title>Ler as teclas de acceso do obxecto</title> <p> If the <gui>Speak object mnemonics</gui> checkbox is checked, <app>Orca</app> will announce the mnemonic associated with the object with focus (such as <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>O</key> </keyseq> for an <gui>OK</gui> button). </p> <p>Valor predeterminado: non marcado</p> </section> <section id="child_position"> <title>Ler a posición do fillo</title> <p> Checking the <gui>Speak child position</gui> checkbox will cause <app>Orca</app> to announce the position of the focused item in menus, lists, and trees (e.g. "9 of 16"). </p> <p>Valor predeterminado: non marcado</p> </section> <section id="speak_tutorial_messages"> <title>Ler as mensaxes do tutorial</title> <p> If the <gui>Speak tutorial messages</gui> checkbox is checked, as you move amongst objects in an interface, <app>Orca</app> will provide additional information, such as how to interact with the currently-focused object. </p> <p>Valor predeterminado: non marcado</p> </section> <section id="speak_description"> <title>Speak description</title> <p> If the <gui>Speak description</gui> checkbox is checked, as you move amongst objects in an interface, <app>Orca</app> will speak the accessible description in addition to the accessible name of the object. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="system_messages_are_detailed"> <title>System messages are detailed</title> <p> If <gui>System messages are detailed</gui> is checked, <app>Orca</app> will present detailed messages to you in speech. For instance, if you use <app>Orca</app>'s command to change key echo, <app>Orca</app> might speak "Key echo set to word." If you would prefer shorter messages, such as simply "word," you should uncheck this checkbox. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="speak_colors_as_names"> <title>Speak colors as names</title> <p> If <gui>Speak colors as names</gui> is checked, <app>Orca</app> will describe colors, looking for the closest approximate. For instance, RGB 0, 27, 51 would be spoken as "midnight blue." If you would prefer to hear the exact RGB value, you should uncheck this checkbox. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="announce_blockquotes_during_navigation"> <title>Announce blockquotes during navigation</title> <p> If <gui>Announce blockquotes during navigation</gui> is checked, <app>Orca</app> will tell you when you navigate into or out of a blockquote. Note that this setting is independent of whether or not this announcement is made during Say All. See <link xref="preferences_general#say_all_announce_context">Announce Contextual Information in Say All</link> for more information. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="announce_forms_during_navigation"> <title>Announce forms during navigation</title> <p> If <gui>Announce forms during navigation</gui> is checked, <app>Orca</app> will tell you when you navigate into or out of a form. Note that this setting is specific to forms which are not ARIA landmarks. You can configure the presentation of ARIA landmarks through the <gui>Announce landmarks during navigation</gui> checkbox. In addition, note that this setting is independent of whether or not this announcement is made during Say All. See <link xref="preferences_general#say_all_announce_context">Announce Contextual Information in Say All</link> for more information. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="announce_landmarks_during_navigation"> <title>Announce landmarks during navigation</title> <p> If <gui>Announce landmarks during navigation</gui> is checked, <app>Orca</app> will tell you when you navigate into or out of an ARIA landmark. Note that this setting is independent of whether or not this announcement is made during Say All. See <link xref="preferences_general#say_all_announce_context">Announce Contextual Information in Say All</link> for more information. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="announce_lists_during_navigation"> <title>Announce lists during navigation</title> <p> If <gui>Announce lists during navigation</gui> is checked, <app>Orca</app> will tell you when you navigate into or out of a list. Note that this setting is independent of whether or not this announcement is made during Say All. See <link xref="preferences_general#say_all_announce_context">Announce Contextual Information in Say All</link> for more information. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="announce_panels_during_navigation"> <title>Announce panels during navigation</title> <p> If <gui>Announce panels during navigation</gui> is checked, <app>Orca</app> will tell you when you navigate into or out of a panel. Note that this setting is independent of whether or not this announcement is made during Say All. See <link xref="preferences_general#say_all_announce_context">Announce Contextual Information in Say All</link> for more information. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="announce_tables_during_navigation"> <title>Announce tables during navigation</title> <p> If <gui>Announce tables during navigation</gui> is checked, <app>Orca</app> will tell you when you navigate into or out of a table. Note that this setting is independent of whether or not this announcement is made during Say All. See <link xref="preferences_general#say_all_announce_context">Announce Contextual Information in Say All</link> for more information. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="read_full_row_in_gui_tables"> <title>Read full row in GUI tables</title> <p> If <gui>Read full row in GUI tables</gui> is checked, as you arrow up and down in application tables such as the list of messages in your Inbox, <app>Orca</app> will speak the entire row. If you would prefer to hear only the cell with focus, you should uncheck this checkbox. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="read_full_row_in_document_tables"> <title>Read full row in document tables</title> <p> If <gui>Read full row in document tables</gui> is checked, as you arrow up and down in tables such as those found in <app>Writer</app> and web documents, <app>Orca</app> will speak the entire row. If you would prefer to hear only the cell with focus, you should uncheck this checkbox. </p> <p>Valor por omisión: marcado</p> </section> <section id="read_full_row_in_spreadsheets"> <title>Read full row in spreadsheets</title> <p> If <gui>Read full row in spreadsheets</gui> is checked, as you arrow up and down in spreadsheets, <app>Orca</app> will speak the entire row. If you would prefer to hear only the cell with focus, you should uncheck this checkbox. </p> <p>Valor predeterminado: non marcado</p> </section> </section> </page> Save