Edit file File name : movingaround.page Content :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" type="topic" style="task" id="movingaround" xml:lang="sl"> <info> <link type="guide" xref="index#reading"/> <revision pkgversion="3.2" date="2011-09-05" status="final"/> <revision pkgversion="3.10.3" date="2014-03-22" status="review"/> <credit type="author"> <name>Phil Bull</name> <email its:translate="no">philbull@gmail.com</email> </credit> <credit type="editor"> <name>Anna Philips</name> <email its:translate="no">anna.cs.au@gmail.com</email> </credit> <include xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legal-unported.xml"/> <desc>Krmarjenje, drsenje in približevanje.</desc> </info> <title>Premikanje po dokumentu</title> <!-- TODO: split into smaller pages for 3.14 --> <p>Po vsaki strani dokumenta se lahko premikate s katerimkoli od naslednjih načinov:</p> <list> <item> <p>Drsenje navzgor in navzdol z miškinim kolescem. Za premik naokoli po strani le s premikom miške:</p> <steps> <item> <p>Desno kliknite na stran in izberite <gui>Samodejno drsenje</gui>.</p> </item> <item> <p>Za drsenje navzdol premaknite miškin kazalec proti dnu strani. Hitrost drsenja je odvisna od tega kako globoko navzdol po oknu greste.</p> </item> <item> <p>Za zaustavitev samodejnega drsenja kliknite kjerkoli v dokumentu.</p> </item> </steps> </item> <item> <p>Uporabite drsnik v oknu dokumenta.</p> </item> <item> <p>Uporabite tipki navzgor in navzdol na svoji tipkovnici.</p> </item> <item> <p>Z vlečenjem strani okoli z vašo miško kot da jo držite. Za to:</p> <list> <item> <p>Premaknite miškin kazalnik nad stranjo, držite srednji miškin gumb in ga vlecite naokoli.</p> </item> <item> <p>V primeru da nimate srednjega miškinega gumba, hkrati držite levi in desni miškin gumb in nato vlecite.</p> </item> </list> </item> </list> <section id="between-pages"> <title>Brskanje med stranmi</title> <p>Med strani v dokumentu se lahko premikate na enega od naslednjih načinov:</p> <list> <item> <p>Click the <gui>View options</gui> menu in the top right corner and select <gui>Previous Page</gui> or <gui>Next Page</gui>.</p> </item> <item> <p>Pritisnite tipki <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Stran navzgor</key></keyseq> ali <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Stran navzdol</key></keyseq> na svoji tipkovnici.</p> </item> <item> <p>Za ogled določene strani:</p> <list> <item> <p>Type a page number in <gui style="input">Select Page</gui> on the <link xref="titlebar">title bar</link> and press <key>Enter</key>.</p> </item> <item> <p>If you want to see the previously visited pages press <gui style="button"><</gui> or <gui style="button">></gui> on the title bar.</p> </item> <item> <p>Če želite iti na začetek dokumenta:</p> <list> <item> <p>Click the <gui>View options</gui> menu in the top right corner and select <gui>First Page</gui>. You can also press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Home</key></keyseq> on your keyboard.</p> </item> <item> <p>Click the <gui>View options</gui> menu in the top right corner and select <gui>Last Page</gui> or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>End</key></keyseq> on your keyboard.</p> </item> </list> </item> </list> </item> <item> <p>Za premik deset strani hkrati pritisnite <keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Stran navzgor</key></keyseq> ali <keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Stran navzdol</key></keyseq>.</p> <note style="tip"> <p>You can only move around one page at a time, by default. If you want to move between pages just by scrolling or dragging, click the <gui>View options</gui> button in the top-right corner and select <gui>Continuous</gui>.</p> </note> </item> </list> </section> <section id="navigating"> <title>Krmarjenje po seznamu strani ali kazalu vsebine</title> <p>To make the side pane visible, click the <gui>View options</gui> button in the top-right corner and select <gui>Side Panel</gui>, or press <key>F9</key> on the keyboard. You should see a preview of all of the pages in the document.</p> <p>Med stranmi se lahko premikate s klikom na njih v stranskem pladnju.</p> <note> <p>Some documents have an index or table of contents, which you can display in the side pane. Click the drop-down list at the top of the side pane and select <gui>Outline</gui> to view it.</p> <note style="tip"> <p>Večina dokumentov te zmožnosti nima, zato njihovega kazala v stranskem pladnju ne boste mogli videti.</p> </note> </note> </section> <section id="zoom"> <title>Približevanje in oddaljevanje</title> <list> <item> <p>Click the <gui>View options</gui> button in the top-right corner and select <gui>Zoom In</gui> or use the keyboard shortcuts <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>+</key></keyseq> to zoom in.</p> </item> <item> <p>Click the <gui>View options</gui> button in the top-right corner and select <gui>Zoom Out</gui> or use the keyboard shortcuts <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>-</key></keyseq> to zoom out.</p> </item> </list> <p>Dodatno lahko storite nekaj od naslednjega:</p> <list> <item> <p>Držite <key>Ctrl</key> in uporabite drsni kolešček miške za približanje.</p> </item> <item> <p>select desired zoom percentage from the drop-down menu above the window.</p> <media type="image" src="figures/zoom.png"/> </item> </list> <note> <p>The <gui>Fit Page</gui> option will make a document page fit the whole <em>height</em> of the window.</p> <p>The <gui>Fit Width</gui> option will make a document page fill the whole <em>width</em> of the window.</p> <p>If you want to see two pages at once, side by side, like in a book, click the <gui>View options</gui> button in the top-right corner and select <gui>Dual</gui>.</p> <p>If the allow-links-change-zoom gsetting is set to false, links are blocked from changing your zoom level.</p> </note> <p>Za ogled dokumenta lahko uporabite svoj celoten zaslon:</p> <list> <item> <p>Click the <gui>View options</gui> button in the top-right corner and select <gui>Fullscreen</gui> or press <key>F11</key>.</p> </item> <item> <p>To exit the full screen mode:</p> <list> <item> <p>Pritisnite <key>F11</key> ali <key>Ubežno tipko</key></p> </item> <item> <p>Or disable <gui>Fullscreen</gui> by clicking the <gui>View options</gui> button in the top-right corner and select <gui>Fullscreen</gui>.</p> </item> </list> </item> </list> </section> </page> Save