Edit file File name : invert-colors.page Content :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" style="task" id="invert-colors" xml:lang="gl"> <info> <link type="guide" xref="index#tips"/> <desc>Se inverte as cores pode facer máis sinxela a lectura dalgún texto.</desc> <revision pkgversion="3.2" version="0.1" date="2011-09-05" status="final"/> <revision pkgversion="3.10.3" date="2014-03-22" status="review"/> <credit type="author"> <name>Phil Bull</name> <email>philbull@gmail.com</email> </credit> <credit type="editor"> <name>Anna Philips</name> <email>anna.cs.au@gmail.com</email> </credit> <license> <p>Creative Commons Compartir Igual 3.0</p> </license> <mal:credit xmlns:mal="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="translator copyright"> <mal:name>Fran Diéguez</mal:name> <mal:email>frandieguez@ubuntu.com</mal:email> <mal:years>2010-2012</mal:years> </mal:credit> </info> <title>Inverter as cores nunha páxina</title> <p>To swap black for white, white for black, and so on, click the <gui>View options</gui> button in the top-right corner and select <gui>Inverted Colors</gui>.</p> <note style="tip"> <p>Se fai iso pode facer máis sinxela a lectura de texto, especialmente en certos casos de deficiencia visual.</p> </note> </page> Save