Edit file File name : commands_controlling_orca.page Content :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" id="commands_controlling_orca" xml:lang="gl"> <info> <link type="next" xref="commands_where_am_i"/> <link type="guide" xref="commands#getting_started"/> <title type="sort">1. Controlling and Learning to Use Orca</title> <title type="link">Controlling and Learning to Use Orca</title> <desc> Commands for interacting with <app>Orca</app> </desc> <credit type="author"> <name>Joanmarie Diggs</name> <email>joanied@gnome.org</email> </credit> <license> <p>Creative Commons Compartir Igual 3.0</p> </license> </info> <title>Controlling and Learning to Use Orca</title> <section id="controlling"> <title>Commands for Controlling <app>Orca</app></title> <p> The following commands can be used to get into <app>Orca</app>'s Preferences dialogs, toggle <app>Orca</app> on and off, and bypass <app>Orca</app> commands to avoid shortcut conflicts within the application being accessed. </p> <list> <item> <p> Toggle <app>Orca</app> on and off in GNOME: <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>Alt</key><key>S</key></keyseq>. </p> <note style="tip"> <p> If you are using <app>Orca</app> in another desktop environment in which there is no command to toggle <app>Orca</app> on and off, you may find the command to quit <app>Orca</app> helpful. This command is unbound by default. Please see <link xref="howto_key_bindings">Modifying Keybindings</link> for information on how to bind unbound commands. </p> </note> </item> <item> <p> <link xref="preferences">Orca Preferences</link> dialog: <keyseq><key>Orca Modifier</key><key>Space</key></keyseq>. </p> </item> <item> <p> Orca's Preferences dialog for the focused application: <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Orca Modifier</key><key>Space</key></keyseq>. </p> </item> <item> <p> Pass the next command on to the current application: <keyseq><key>Orca Modifier</key><key>BackSpace</key></keyseq> </p> </item> </list> </section> <section id="learning"> <title>Commands for Learning to Use <app>Orca</app></title> <p> In Learn Mode, <app>Orca</app> will announce each keystroke you pressed along with any associated <app>Orca</app> command that keystroke is bound to. In this mode, you can also get a list of shortcuts containing all the <app>Orca</app> commands you can use. </p> <list> <item> <p> Enter learn mode: <keyseq><key>Orca Modifier</key><key>H</key></keyseq> </p> </item> <item> <p> Exit learn mode: <keyseq><key>Esc</key></keyseq> </p> </item> </list> </section> </page> Save