Edit file File name : bug-filing.page Content :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" style="task" id="bug-filing" xml:lang="it"> <info> <link type="guide" xref="index#get-involved"/> <desc>File a bug against the <app>image viewer</app>.</desc> <revision pkgversion="3.30" version="0.2" date="2018-08-13" status="final"/> <credit type="author"> <name>Tiffany Antopolski</name> <email>tiffany@antopolski.com</email> </credit> <license> <p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p> </license> </info> <title>Report a problem with the image viewer</title> <p> The <gui>image viewer</gui> is maintained by a volunteer community. You are welcome to participate. </p> <p> If you experience problems with the image viewer (for example, if it crashes or behaves unexpectedly), or if it is missing some feature that you think it should have, please file a <em>bug report</em>. To file a bug, go to <link href="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/eog/issues/"/>. </p> <p> To participate you need an account which will give you the ability to gain access, file bugs, and make comments. Also, you need to register so you can receive updates by e-mail about the status of your bug. If you don't already have an account, just click on the <gui>Sign in / Register</gui> link to create one. </p> <p> Once you have an account, log in, and click on <gui>New issue</gui>. Before reporting a bug, please read the <link href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=bug-writing.html">bug writing guidelines</link>, and please <link href="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/eog/issues">browse</link> for the bug to see if it already exists. </p> <p> If you are requesting a new feature, choose <gui>1. Feature</gui> in the <gui>Labels</gui> menu. Fill in the Title and Description sections and click <gui>Submit Issue</gui>. </p> <p> Your report will be given an ID number, and its status will be updated as it is being dealt with. Bugs can take a while to be fixed, and the software developers might ask you for further information to help them figure out what the problem is. </p> </page> Save