Edit file File name : gnome-desktop-3.0.mo Content :�� � % � 0 1 4 : @ I V f y � � � � � $ � D H b n % � F � � � * � i � w X � � � � � � . : I R 4 ^ ) � T � ( ; / X : � b � & 4 3 � h %R %R:%S %a %R %a %R:%S %a %b %e, %R %a %b %e, %R:%S %a %b %e, %l:%M %p %a %b %e, %l:%M:%S %p %a %l:%M %p %a %l:%M:%S %p %l:%M %p %l:%M:%S %p CRTC %d cannot drive output %s CRTC %d does not support rotation=%d CRTC %d: trying mode %dx%d@%dHz with output at %dx%d@%dHz (pass %d) Trying modes for CRTC %d Unspecified cannot clone to output %s could not assign CRTCs to outputs: %s none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes: %s output %s does not have the same parameters as another cloned output: existing mode = %d, new mode = %d existing coordinates = (%d, %d), new coordinates = (%d, %d) existing rotation = %d, new rotation = %d output %s does not support mode %dx%d@%dHz required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(%d, %d), minimum=(%d, %d), maximum=(%d, %d) Project-Id-Version: gnome-desktop3 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-desktop&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general POT-Creation-Date: 2017-10-13 13:40+0000 PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-23 16:38+0100 Last-Translator: GunChleoc <fios@foramnagaidhlig.net> Language-Team: Fòram na Gàidhlig Language: gd MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3; X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1 X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2013-09-15 06:28+0000 X-Project-Style: gnome %R %R:%S %a %R %a %R:%S %a %b %e, %R %a %b %e, %R:%S %a %b %e, %l:%M %p %a %b %e, %l:%M:%S %p %a %l:%M %p %a %l:%M:%S %p %l:%M %p %l:%M:%S %p chan urrainn do CRTC %d an às-chur %s a chleachdadh cha toir CRTC %d taic ri cuairteachadh=%d CRTC %d: a’ feuchainn am modh %dx%d@%dHz leis an às-chur aig %dx%d@%dHz (pas %d) A’ feuchainn na modhan airson CRTC %d Cha deach gin a shònrachadh chan urrainn dhuinn clònachadh gun às-chur %s cha deach leinn na CRTCan a shònrachadh dhan às-chur: %s cha robh gin dhe na modhan a chaidh a thaghadh co-chòrdail air na modhan a ghabhas cleachdadh: %s chan eil na h-aon roghainnean aig an às-chur %s ’s a tha air às-chur clònaichte eile: am modh làithreach = %d, am modh ùr = %d na co-chomharran làithreach = (%d, %d), na co-chomharran ùra = (%d, %d) an cuairteachadh làithreach = %d, an cuairteachadh ùr = %d cha toir an t-às-chur %s taic dhan mhodh %dx%d@%dHz tha am meud biortail a chaidh iarraidh ro mhòr airson a’ mheud a tha ri làimh: air iarraidh=(%d, %d), am fear as lugha=(%d, %d), am fear as motha=(%d, %d) Save