Edit file File name : anaconda_logging.py Content :# # anaconda_logging.py: Support for logging to multiple destinations with log # levels - basically an extension to the Python logging # module with Anaconda specififc enhancements. # # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2017 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import logging from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler, SocketHandler from systemd.journal import JournalHandler import os import sys import warnings from pyanaconda.core import constants DEFAULT_LEVEL = logging.INFO ENTRY_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s" STDOUT_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s %(message)s" DATE_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S" # the Anaconda log uses structured logging ANACONDA_ENTRY_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(log_prefix)s: %(message)s" ANACONDA_SYSLOG_FORMAT = "anaconda: %(log_prefix)s: %(message)s" MAIN_LOG_FILE = "/tmp/anaconda.log" PROGRAM_LOG_FILE = "/tmp/program.log" PACKAGING_LOG_FILE = "/tmp/packaging.log" LIBREPO_LOG_FILE = "/tmp/dnf.librepo.log" SENSITIVE_INFO_LOG_FILE = "/tmp/sensitive-info.log" ANACONDA_SYSLOG_FACILITY = SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL1 ANACONDA_SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER = "anaconda" from threading import Lock program_log_lock = Lock() logLevelMap = {"debug": logging.DEBUG, "info": logging.INFO, "warning": logging.WARNING, "error": logging.ERROR, "critical": logging.CRITICAL} # sets autoSetLevel for the given handler def autoSetLevel(handler, value): handler.autoSetLevel = value # all handlers of given logger with autoSetLevel == True are set to level def setHandlersLevel(logr, level): for handler in filter(lambda hdlr: hasattr(hdlr, "autoSetLevel") and hdlr.autoSetLevel, logr.handlers): handler.setLevel(level) class _AnacondaLogFixer(object): """ A mixin for logging.StreamHandler that does not lock during format. Add this mixin before the Handler type in the inheritance order. """ # filter, emit, lock, and acquire need to be implemented in a subclass def handle(self, record): # copied from logging.Handler, minus the lock acquisition rv = self.filter(record) # pylint: disable=no-member if rv: self.emit(record) # pylint: disable=no-member return rv @property def stream(self): return self._stream @stream.setter def stream(self, stream): handler = self # Wrap the stream write in a lock acquisition # Use an object proxy in order to work with types that may not allow # the write property to be set. class WriteProxy(object): def write(self, *args, **kwargs): handler.acquire() # pylint: disable=no-member try: stream.write(*args, **kwargs) finally: handler.release() # pylint: disable=no-member def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(stream, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): return setattr(stream, name, value) # Live with this attribute being defined outside of init to avoid the # hassle of having an init. If _stream is not set, then stream was # never set on the StreamHandler object, so accessing it in that case # is supposed to be an error. self._stream = WriteProxy() # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init class AnacondaJournalHandler(_AnacondaLogFixer, JournalHandler): def __init__(self, tag='', facility=ANACONDA_SYSLOG_FACILITY, identifier=ANACONDA_SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER): self.tag = tag JournalHandler.__init__(self, SYSLOG_FACILITY=facility, SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=identifier) def emit(self, record): if self.tag: original_msg = record.msg record.msg = '%s: %s' % (self.tag, original_msg) JournalHandler.emit(self, record) record.msg = original_msg else: JournalHandler.emit(self, record) class AnacondaSocketHandler(_AnacondaLogFixer, SocketHandler): def makePickle(self, record): return bytes(self.formatter.format(record) + "\n", "utf-8") class AnacondaFileHandler(_AnacondaLogFixer, logging.FileHandler): def __init__(self, file_dest): logging.FileHandler.__init__(self, file_dest) # do the import here to prevent circular imports from pyanaconda.core.util import set_mode set_mode(file_dest) class AnacondaStreamHandler(_AnacondaLogFixer, logging.StreamHandler): pass class AnacondaPrefixFilter(logging.Filter): """Add a log_prefix field, which is based on the name property, but without the "anaconda." prefix. Also if name is equal to "anaconda", generally meaning some sort of general (or miss-directed) log message, set the log_prefix to "misc". """ def filter(self, record): record.log_prefix = "" if record.name: # messages going to the generic "anaconda" logger get the log prefix "misc" if record.name == "anaconda": record.log_prefix = "misc" elif record.name.startswith("anaconda."): # drop "anaconda." from the log prefix record.log_prefix = record.name[9:] return True class AnacondaLog(object): SYSLOG_CFGFILE = "/etc/rsyslog.conf" def __init__(self, write_to_journal=False): self.loglevel = DEFAULT_LEVEL self.remote_syslog = None self.write_to_journal = write_to_journal # Rename the loglevels so they are the same as in syslog. logging.addLevelName(logging.CRITICAL, "CRT") logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, "ERR") logging.addLevelName(logging.WARNING, "WRN") logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, "INF") logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, "DBG") # Create the base of the logger hierarchy. # Disable propagation to the parent logger, since the root logger is # handled by a FileHandler(/dev/null), which can deadlock. self.anaconda_logger = logging.getLogger("anaconda") self.anaconda_logger.propagate = False self.anaconda_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) warnings.showwarning = self.showwarning self.addFileHandler(MAIN_LOG_FILE, self.anaconda_logger, minLevel=logging.DEBUG, fmtStr=ANACONDA_ENTRY_FORMAT, log_filter=AnacondaPrefixFilter()) self.forwardToJournal(self.anaconda_logger, log_filter=AnacondaPrefixFilter(), log_formatter=logging.Formatter(ANACONDA_SYSLOG_FORMAT)) # External program output log program_logger = logging.getLogger(constants.LOGGER_PROGRAM) program_logger.propagate = False program_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.addFileHandler(PROGRAM_LOG_FILE, program_logger, minLevel=logging.DEBUG) self.forwardToJournal(program_logger) # Create the packaging logger. packaging_logger = logging.getLogger(constants.LOGGER_PACKAGING) packaging_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) packaging_logger.propagate = False self.addFileHandler(PACKAGING_LOG_FILE, packaging_logger, minLevel=logging.DEBUG) self.forwardToJournal(packaging_logger) # Create the dnf logger and link it to packaging dnf_logger = logging.getLogger(constants.LOGGER_DNF) dnf_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.addFileHandler(PACKAGING_LOG_FILE, dnf_logger, minLevel=logging.NOTSET) self.forwardToJournal(dnf_logger) # Create the librepo logger. librepo_logger = logging.getLogger(constants.LOGGER_LIBREPO) librepo_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.addFileHandler(LIBREPO_LOG_FILE, librepo_logger, minLevel=logging.NOTSET) self.forwardToJournal(librepo_logger) # Create the simpleline logger and link it to anaconda simpleline_logger = logging.getLogger(constants.LOGGER_SIMPLELINE) simpleline_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.addFileHandler(MAIN_LOG_FILE, simpleline_logger, minLevel=logging.NOTSET) self.forwardToJournal(simpleline_logger) # Create the sensitive information logger # * the sensitive-info.log file is not copied to the installed # system, as it might contain sensitive information that # should not be persistently stored by default sensitive_logger = logging.getLogger(constants.LOGGER_SENSITIVE_INFO) sensitive_logger.propagate = False self.addFileHandler(SENSITIVE_INFO_LOG_FILE, sensitive_logger, minLevel=logging.DEBUG) # Create a second logger for just the stuff we want to dup on # stdout. Anything written here will also get passed up to the # parent loggers for processing and possibly be written to the # log. stdout_logger = logging.getLogger(constants.LOGGER_STDOUT) stdout_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Add a handler for the duped stuff. No fancy formatting, thanks. self.addFileHandler(sys.stdout, stdout_logger, fmtStr=STDOUT_FORMAT, minLevel=logging.INFO) # Add a simple handler - file or stream, depending on what we're given. def addFileHandler(self, dest, addToLogger, minLevel=DEFAULT_LEVEL, fmtStr=ENTRY_FORMAT, autoLevel=False, log_filter=None): try: if isinstance(dest, str): logfile_handler = AnacondaFileHandler(dest) else: logfile_handler = AnacondaStreamHandler(dest) if log_filter: logfile_handler.addFilter(log_filter) logfile_handler.setLevel(minLevel) logfile_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmtStr, DATE_FORMAT)) autoSetLevel(logfile_handler, autoLevel) addToLogger.addHandler(logfile_handler) except IOError: pass def forwardToJournal(self, logr, log_formatter=None, log_filter=None): """Forward everything that goes in the logger to the journal daemon.""" # Don't add syslog tag if custom formatter is in use. # This also means that custom formatters need to make sure they # add the tag correctly themselves. if not self.write_to_journal: return if log_formatter: tag = None else: tag = logr.name journal_handler = AnacondaJournalHandler(tag=tag) journal_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if log_filter: journal_handler.addFilter(log_filter) if log_formatter: journal_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) logr.addHandler(journal_handler) # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin def showwarning(self, message, category, filename, lineno, file=sys.stderr, line=None): """ Make sure messages sent through python's warnings module get logged. The warnings mechanism is used by some libraries we use, notably pykickstart. """ self.anaconda_logger.warning("%s", warnings.formatwarning( message, category, filename, lineno, line)) def setup_remotelog(self, host, port): remotelog = AnacondaSocketHandler(host, port) remotelog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(ENTRY_FORMAT, DATE_FORMAT)) remotelog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger().addHandler(remotelog) def restartSyslog(self): # Import here instead of at the module level to avoid an import loop from pyanaconda.core.util import restart_service restart_service("rsyslog") def updateRemote(self, remote_syslog): """Updates the location of remote rsyslogd to forward to. Requires updating rsyslogd config and restarting rsyslog """ template = "*.* @@%s\n" self.remote_syslog = remote_syslog with open(self.SYSLOG_CFGFILE, 'a') as cfgfile: forward_line = template % remote_syslog cfgfile.write(forward_line) self.restartSyslog() def setupVirtio(self, vport): """Setup virtio rsyslog logging. """ template = "*.* %s;anaconda_syslog\n" if not os.access(vport, os.W_OK): return with open(self.SYSLOG_CFGFILE, 'a') as cfgfile: cfgfile.write(template % (vport,)) self.restartSyslog() def init(write_to_journal=False): global logger logger = AnacondaLog(write_to_journal=write_to_journal) logger = None Save